Search engine optimization (SEO)

“SEO is dead.”

This is one of the oldest cliches on the internet. But the truth is, Google is still dominating the search industry and SEO has still one of the best return on investments when you try to reach new clients online.

So, does one of these statements sound familiar to you?

  • Buying traffic via Google or Facebook Ads becomes more and more expensive year over year
  • After the last algorithm update of Facebook/Instagram your organic reach dropped by 90%
  • Solely relying on one traffic source keeps you up at night
  • When typing relevant keywords into Google, the website of your competitor is always showing up on top

If you nodded at one of those statements above, SEO could be the solution. But there are a million things that go into improving Google rankings of your website. And trying to manage them all internally can be a nightmare. So if you are looking for high quality SEO services, we have a solution for you.

360° technical SEO audit

We check more than 180 directives to validate whether your website is compliant with Google’s guidelines for webmasters and was created and implemented according to current web standards. This will be done from an external view by using best-in-class SEO tools and by an internal view by looking at Google Analytics, Google Search Console and additional available data sources. The result will be a prioritized list with issues, explaining exactly which technical issues need to get fixed and how to do that.

Keyword research

Before SEO content can be written and published, we need to find out which keywords people are typing into Google. We create an individual keyword set while researching major, minor and semantic (LSI) keywords for your industry and region. We will also group keywords together, based on search intent and topical relevance.

The result is a content plan with a maximum of 30 blog posts/articles and a recommendation of which keywords should be covered on specific pages. This plan can be used to kick-off your SEO content strategy and (maybe later) also for improving your existing Google Ads Campaigns. This package includes writing the first 2 content briefings that the copywriter can use to write the content pieces.

Additional SEO consulting services

After the SEO Audit we recommend shifting to an ongoing monthly strategic SEO Consulting for a time period of at least 12 months to continuously work on increasing your SEO visibility. These monthly budget of 16 hours can be used to support on the following SEO tasks:

  • SEO strategy for the next months and beyond, including strategic SEO consulting for any upcoming migration
  • Keyword Research: We create an individual keyword set while researching major, minor and semantic (LSI) keywords for your industry and region.
  • 360° Content Audit: Analyzing onpage SEO performance while looking at factors like content length, keyword usage, LSI, internal linking, HTML markup etc.
  • Backlink Audit and Detox: Analyze your existing backlink profile and give you concrete recommendations if there are links you should disavow.
  • Schema markup/structured data & internal linking recommendations to leverage full crawling potential.
  • SEO Dashboard to monitor the most relevant KPIs, including Rank Tracking for your defined keyword set, up to 100 keywords

Our packages

360° technical SEO audit

Keyword research

Onpage optimization


Ongoing SEO consulting


If you want to get in touch with us regarding a complete client list or how we can help your organisation, drop us a line. We'll get back to you as soon as possible!

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