Case study

CyberProof Logo

The company

Our client is CyberProof, a B2B managed security services company helping enterprises use information technology to solve business problems without the fear of cyber-attacks. It effectively anticipates, adapts, and responds to cyber threats in an increasingly connected world while reducing complexity, and providing their customers with unmatched adaptability, transparency, and control. CyberProof is an international company operating mainly in the United States and in Europe (Austria, France, Germany, Spain and Switzerland).

We are helping CyberProof implement a 360º marketing strategy in the mentioned European countries and grow organically in the United States.

Client headquarter:

Aliso Viejo, California, the USA

Countries targeted with our activities:

Austria, France, Germany, Spain, Switzerland and the USA

Languages covered:

English, French, German and Spanish

The challenge

  • Creating a localized marketing strategy for the DACH region, France and Spain
  • Implementing paid campaigns in several digital channels to target the European market
  • Building French, German and Spanish content assets
  • Improving the technical SEO aspects of the website
  • Ranking organic keywords and generating organic traffic in the USA (and globally in English)
  • Executing a Social Media strategy for DACH, France and Spain
  • Automating localized marketing processes via HubSpot
  • Having a constant inflow of qualified leads from the DACH region, France and Spain
Extended version

CyberProof wanted to implement a 360º digital marketing strategy for several European countries: Austria, France, Germany, Spain and Switzerland. We merged our knowledge of the markets and about the online marketing channels with the findings from in-depth market research for the cybersecurity sector and came up with a roadmap that combined the local needs with the global brand and strategy of CyberProof. To achieve the best results, we focused on a marketing mix consisting of SEO, PPC and Social Media. 

In addition to paid campaigns, we supported the company in generating organic traffic and ranking organic keywords related to their industry in the United States and helped fix and audit all SEO relevant technical issues on their website. By applying this omnipresence approach and localizing the whole funnel, we were able to control the entire user journey in order to deliver the best possible customer experience.

The solution

  • Working out and executing a 360º digital marketing strategy for DACH, France and Spain
  • Creating paid campaigns in different digital channels such as Google Ads, LinkedIn Ads and Xing Ads 
  • Identifying the best performing audiences individually for each region and channel
  • Weekly sprints and data analysis to optimize all paid campaigns 
  • Building German, French and Spanish landing pages
  • Creating and publishing social media posts targeting French-, German-, and Spanish-speaking followers on LinkedIn and Xing 
  • Performing a keyword research based on the USA to identify content gaps
  • Setting up content briefings to create SEO optimized articles
  • Doing weekly audits to fix issues and give advice for SEO technical optimization
  • Localizing and optimizing the whole user journey through the funnel
  • Designing a strategy to automate all digital marketing practices for DACH, France and Spain through HubSpot
Extended version

We have developed a 360° digital marketing strategy for DACH, France and Spain that included building new landing pages in the local languages of these countries, creating SEO optimized pages, launching specific paid campaigns on Google Ads, LinkedIn Ads and Xing Ads, and executing a strategic social media content plan for these regions. 

We constantly analyze all of our paid campaigns to identify the best performing audiences, keywords, creatives and ad types while optimizing all of our campaign landing pages. 

In addition, we review the English website weekly to address any arising technical SEO issues that should be fixed. Plus, we conducted an extensive keyword research focused on the USA to identify the most vital keywords in this sector and create specific content briefings to increase organic traffic.

PPC (French promoted ad on LinkedIn Ads)

PPC (French promoted ad on LinkedIn Ads)

Social Media (German organic post on Xing)

Social Media (German organic post on Xing)

Landing Page and Translations (Spanish)

Landing Page and Translations (Spanish)

The result

  • An increase in the number of leads from DACH, France and Spain thanks to all paid marketing campaigns on several digital platforms
  • A rise in the number of MQLs and SQLs for these regions
  • Signing with clients in these markets 
  • Identification of the best target audience to use for PPC campaigns
  • Creation of landing pages in French, German and Spanish
  • More organic leads thanks to the local websites and social media posts on LinkedIn targeting these markets 
  • Improved health of the site (from 35/100 to 97/100) thanks to the weekly audits in which we fix issues and solve technical SEO issues
  • Identification of keywords to use in order to rank in the first positions in the SERP of Google
  • All French, German and Spanish leads receive localized email marketing campaigns thanks to our HubSpot automatization practices
  • All French, German and Spanish leads can be easily and properly qualified by the sales team thanks to our setup within HubSpot
Extended version

Thanks to the weekly analysis and optimization of all campaigns and the creation of French, German and Spanish websites, we have achieved steady growth in the leads being generated, with good conversion rates for both paid and organic, some of which ended up being converted to active sales opportunities by the sales team.

In addition, we were able to identify all the key terms that the client should use to rank organically on the first SERP position in Google. At the same time, we conducted several content briefings to create specific articles and increase organic traffic to their websites.

“Thanks to the fabulous 22tribes team for their ongoing efforts in developing our digital marketing strategy in DACH, France, and Spain! We see consistent sales qualified leads coming in from their activities. It is a real pleasure working with such a sharp, professional, responsive and insightful team.”

Howard Silverman

Head of Marketing, CyberProof


If you want to get in touch with us regarding a complete client list or how we can help your organisation, drop us a line. We'll get back to you as soon as possible!


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